Indian Railway

Getting a confirmed seat is something which everyone traveling via Indian Railways aspire for. It requires a whole lot of planning beforehand as the ticket window opens up 120 days prior to the journey date. If your train route falls in the most trafficked zones, one needs to be more vigilant in order to book tickets from the midnight of the day the booking window opens up. As per Indian Railway norms, one passenger can book a maximum of 6 tickets from one log-in.

People in India prefer to travel more via Indian Railways. In case you are traveling via trains and have some wedding trip organized at remote location, how would you get tickets in the same compartment? Is it even possible to book a whole coach for your wedding trip plans? Keep all your speculations aside as Indian Railways has laid out a defines process for people who are looking to book a coach for wedding trips or some other excursions.

How one can book a coach in train?

The only way to book a coach in trains is contacting the Controlling officer/Chief Reservation supervisor of the concerned reservation office for permission to book more number of passengers in a group. However, such booking of bulk accommodation is available only after 10.00 hrs on computerized reservation system subject to overall limit on trains as per extant rules and availability of accommodation.

Here is step by step guide to help in bulk booking of berths:

  1. Request Submission to Chief Reservation Supervisor: One has to submit a letter (in two copies) to authorized officials giving details such as train number, date of journey and of berths and the list of passengers. The chief reservation officer will go through the availability limits on train as per rules. One might be contacted if they are willing to be scattered in small groups for such bookings.
  2. Get Approval From Authorized Officials: The controlling office presiding over the reservation office can approve ones request.
  3. Get Tickets from Bulk Booking Counter: Post approval, one can straight away head over to bulk ticket booking counter in order to get coach bookings.

There are certain restrictions for Group Booking beyond 6 passengers, like

  • Group Booking is Not permitted on the opening day of ARP (Advance Reservation Period – which is 120 days usually, for some short distance day trains it is 60 / 30 / 10 days).
  • For Trains on Dynamic Fare structure like Rajdhani / Shatabdi Group Booking can be done on the opening day too, charges will be equal to Tatkal Fare for the train — i.e., at around 1.5 times the Opening Fare.
  • No Group Booking in the first half an hour of Counter opening i.e, 08:00 to 08:30 hrs.
  • More than half of available berths / seats cannot be permitted / booked for a Group of more than 6 passengers, in such a situation Group Booking can be done only after WL booking starts for the class / train.
  • One can book maximum 7 coaches.
  • The fare for the same up to 7 coach is 50,000 INR per coach and in addition to that per coach, one needs to pay 10,000 additional. This rate is valid for a journey up to 7 days only.


  • Pilot for WR: Online booking of FTR is on pilot basis and currently booking is allowed for journey starting from stations of Western Railway only.
  • Booking Process: FTR registration can be done either on IRCTC website- or on UTS counter of journey commencing station.
  • Booking period: FTR registration can be done maximum 6 months in advance and minimum 30 days prior to journey date.

Payment realization:

  • Registration on IRCTC website: Party will provide the booking type, journey details of coaches, and route. After submission of the request, party will get a reference number and registration amount to be paid. Party has to pay the registration amount against provided reference number to get FTR number. Payment of registration amount must be received within 6 days (including FTR request submit day). After 6 days, FTR Reference Number will be flushed and party has to follow the above mentioned process again to book a FTR coach/train.
  • Registrations on UTS counter: Party will go to CBS (Chief Booking Supervisor)/Station Master (SM) of journey commencing station and provide written request containing journey details for FTR booking. CBS will feed these details in FTR system. CBS will provide a system generated slip to the party. This slip will contain the reference number and registration amount payable by party. Party will go to UTS counter and will deposit the registration money against the reference number. After confirmation of payment, printed money receipt will be provided to party with a unique FTR number printed on it. Party will go to CBS with this FTR number. At CBS counter, party can request and get a printout of his request details by providing the FTR number.
  • Refund process: In case of cancellation, either by party or by railway, refund will be processed as per existing manual process through Chief Commercial Manager (PM).

Permissible number of coaches:

  • Coach Booking: Party can book maximum 10 numbers of coaches on FTR in a train in one tour programme.
  • Train Booking: Party can book maximum 24 coaches in FTR train including 2 SLR. 2 SLR coaches are mandatory.

Registration Amount:

  • Coach Booking: Registration amount for booking of a coach up to 7 days of tour journey period is Rs.50,000/- per coach. Beyond 7 days of tour journey period, additional Rs.10,000/- per day/per coach will be payable and added in registration amount.
  • Train Booking: Registration amount for booking of a train is amount for minimum of 18 coaches (including minimum two SLR coaches) and up to 7 days of tour journey period is Rs.900,000/-. Beyond 18 passenger coaches, additional Rs.50,000/- per coach will be added in the registration amount. For tour period beyond 7 days, additional Rs.10,000/- per day per coach will be added in registration amount.Even for booking of a train with less than 18 coaches, registration amount for 18 coaches as minimum will be charged.

Other Terms & Conditions:

The above amount may change in case of any revision by Ministry of Railways from time to time. Registration of coaches/trains does not guarantee the supply of coaches/trains. This will be subject to the operational feasibility and availability of coaches in Indian Railways.

So, in case one is looking for booking of coach for wedding journey or a group travel, one needs to follow the above guidelines as per FTR rates and guidelines from Indian Railways. A further good news is that, now one can book food for group travel online during train journey. Railrestro offers special discounts on bulk food ordering bookings in trains. Bookings can be done in advance or during the journey as well. One can submit booking request for group food order bookings in train here.


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Author: Amit Roy

Amit is a Digital Marketing & Alliance Strategist at Railrestro. He is a jack-of-all-trades kinda person in the world of Internet marketing, excelling in market research to come up with a strategy based on the