Live Station
Live Upcoming Trains at Station

Indian Railways Trains Between Stations
Indian Railways enquiry for trains between two stations gives you with the list of all the trains running between the stations on a given day. With RailRestro live station feature, you get to know about the live status of upcoming trains between stations in the next 2, 4 or 8 hours.
How is Indian Railway train between stations enquiry helpful?
The train between stations live enquiry provides travellers with useful information regarding the upcoming trains so that they can easily decide which train they can board for same-day travel.
How to Find Trains Between Stations?
Train enquiry between stations can be easily made online with RailRestro website or app. You can get access to real-time information about train routes. RailRestro provides every train traveller with the improved capability of making IRCTC enquiry between stations through on the go.
What Details Can Be Found Upon Checking “Train Between Stations”?
All the information you need regarding the trains running between stations is at your fingertips. The user-friendly RailRestro app provides complete details related to the arriving or departing trains, estimated time of arrival (ETA), estimated time of departure (ETD), the status of the train, and expected platform number. The details of live upcoming trains at stations are updated using real-time data from Indian Railways and the latest IRCTC train schedules.
Railway platforms are stuffed with passengers and their bewildered expressions waiting for the next train or queuing on to the enquiry counters to get details of the arriving train to complete the journey. After digitalisation, the estimated arrival and departure of the trains can be easily checked online within a few clicks. Now, passengers can check the live arrival and departure status of the trains to plan their journey.
How to Check the Arrival/Departure Status of Train Between Stations using RailRestro?
- Visit RailRestro website or download RailRestro mobile app from Google Play Store or Apple Store
- Navigate to the “Rail Tools” section
- Click on “Live Station”
- Enter the details under “From Station” with the station name or station code of the departure station.
- Enter the details under “To Station” with the station name or station code of the arrival station. This is an optional field.
- Select the duration for which you want to check the upcoming trains between stations under the drop-down menu from the given option of 2 hours, 4 hours and 8 hours.
Components of Trains Between Stations on RailRestro
Passengers willing to know about the next train and its status can enter these three major components to get the number of trains running from a particular station:
- The “FROM STATION” section: It’s the station from where the passengers are planning to board the upcoming train. The passenger has to enter the name or the code of the station and the system auto-fetches and suggests from the list of stations.
- The “TO STATION” section: It is the destination station for which the passenger has planned his journey. Type the station name or code in the box and the interface will suggest the station name with code to select the correct station.
- Duration of Arrival and Departure: Select the time duration of your choice. The interface has three timings to select, i.e., 2 hours, 4 hours and 8 hours. This means the passenger can check the arrival and departure status of the train scheduled to arrive after 2 hours, 4 hours or 8 hours and plan their journey accordingly.
Live Status of Arrival and Departure of Trains Between Stations
The RailRestro interface will display the total number of trains departing from that particular station, which the user had queried for:
- Train Number and Name: The list of Passenger, Mail, Express, or Superfast train with their name and number will be displayed on the screen. These trains will either depart from the station or arrive at the station.
- Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA): It is the estimated time on which the train will arrive at the station.
- Estimated Time of Departure (ETD): It is the estimated time when the train is expected to depart on its time.
- Train Status: It is an update of whether the train is running on time or is delayed by a certain time.
- The Platform Number: It’s the expected platform number on which the train will arrive or depart from.
Your Frequently Asked Questions
1) How to check live station arrival departure?
RailRestro provides the option to check the list of all the trains that are scheduled to arrive at or depart from a particular railway station in the next 2 /4 /8 hours. This way, you can easily check the live station arrival departure on your mobile.
2) Which app shows the exact train between stations?
Railrestro is a highly rated app on Playstore which gives accurate and updated information about trains between stations. So, you will not have to wait in long queues at the enquiry counter. You can check it yourself with Railrestro app.
3) How to check Trains between Stations through Phone?
It is possible to check the list of trains between stations on your phone. Download the Railrestro app from Playstore and head over to the rail tools sections. There you can see trains between stations options. If you don’t own a smartphone, you can use the railway helpline number 139 to know about the trains.
4) How to check Trains between Stations through SMS?
If you don’t have a smartphone or if your internet isn’t working, you can check trains between stations through SMS also. Send TIME
5) How can I check Indian Railway train between stations online?
Trains between stations feature is available on Railrestro. You can see the list of all the trains that run between two particular stations. Thus, you can plan your journey in an efficient manner. Train between stations feature also allows you to get the running time table, total journey time, and platform number for arrival /departure.
6) What can I check arrival departure at station?
You can check arrival departure at station easily with the help of Railrestro. It provides correct and updated information about all the trains that are scheduled to arrive at or depart from a railway station. You can also check the live station feature on the Railrestro official mobile app.
7) What is live train status by RailRestro?
RailRestro provides accurate and precise information related to the current location of a train and estimated time of arrival (ETA). The data at our website is constantly refreshed to give you the latest and updated information about train details.
8) How to Know train arrival departure live status?
Train arrival departure live status also called as live station feature is very useful for passengers who plan their trip on short notice. Go to the railrestro website or download the official app from Playstore to know about all the trains that are scheduled to arrive at or depart from a railway station.